
Dealing with the Big Box
Designer: Ben Pentreath
Visiting designer Ben Pentreath drew two versions of a replacement Wal-Mart for Pass Christian. One, in reaction to visiting Wal-Mart officials who insisted on retaining the parking and square footage requirements of a suburban store, can be built on the same site where the current Wal-Mart was wiped out by Katrina. In essence, Pentreath offers a design that brings the urbanism to the store by wrapping second-floor condos into the design.
The other assumed the giant retailer could move downtown and anchor a new streetscape.
Retail with Living Space Above
Designer: Allison Anderson
One of the team’s local architects, Allison developed this design to address practical realities while expressing elements of traditional Mississippi forms, incorporating standard commercial retail space on the ground floor with flexible living space above – appropriate for the shop owner, a rental tenant or even a tenant landlord.
Relief Housing
Designer: Marianne Cusato
Three versions of the same small-scale emergency housing. Intended for immediate housing for workers and displaced residents; can be manufactured or built on site; an alternative to trailers. Can be built for $25,000. Same interior layout for each: 294 sq. ft.; 2 BR; each has front porch for extended living space; bath w/small kitchenette.
Proposed Casino/Grand Hotel
Gulfport, MS
Though Gulfport's harbor does a rich trade in bananas, mahogany, and other cargo, much of it is an underused, asphalt-covered brownfield. In response to Mayor Brent Warr's interest in consolidating port operations on one finger of land and inviting a premier, Riviera-style hotel and casino to grace another finger that terminates 25th Street, an important thoroughfare, architect Michael Imber of San Antonio created this rendering. Designed in the style of early 20th Century "grand hotels" in Europe and the United States, the hotel and adjacent casino sit on a rounded plinth that both serves as storm protection and recalls the promenade-topped embankments of Monte Carlo. By complementing and extending the downtown fabric and creating a rich relationship with the waterfront, this casino would set a new standard for Gulf Coast casino design and create a powerful precedent for future casino development.
Proposed City Hall
Moss Point, MS
With the current city hall flooded, Moss Point has the option of moving it to higher ground and using this new design to set a standard for its civic structures. The plan calls for a relocation that helps create a more classic town square.
Proposed City Hall
Pass Christian, MS
New buildings are in order to replace the important and economy-driving ones that were destroyed by Katrina. A new St. Paul's Church will allow parishioners to remain in their hometown. A new Wal-Mart-one that respects a more human scale-can continue to provide residents' daily needs. A proposed new City Hall (above) would be raised, providing an elegant arcaded space on the ground level. This space could host a farmers' market, festivals, or start-up businesses. Within the arcade a stairwell or elevator could lead to the upper level, where the town offices would be located.